Safeguarding Democracy

Much has been said about the state of our democracy in crisis. We can see the evidence of this here in the United States and throughout the world today where the basic rights and freedoms we enjoy are increasingly at risk. Checks and balances that ensure fairness in decision-making are being undermined. Elections are being manipulated to make it harder for people to vote. Truth and facts are being subverted in the media by misinformation and disinformation. Violence is increasingly being used to threaten people with differing opinions and attack our freedoms.

Democracy is, by definition, about participation. And to protect the freedoms necessary to participate in democracy, there is much work to be done. By leveraging the on-the-ground expertise of organizations working to get out the vote and strengthen structures that protect democracy, we can help ensure that democracy remains entact, healthy, and effective. 

As part of our efforts to ensure that our democracy is thriving, we are working closely with these three partner organizations: 

  • Protect Democracy, striving to protect free and fair elections and defend the rule of law.
  • Voto Latino, educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters.
  • State Voices, building movements with marginalized communities so that they can advocate and organize for their own communities.

You can support organizations such as these and others that are working for the health of our democracy by visiting the Safeguard Democracy Fund in our Online Donation Center.

Read our op-ed published in the Marin Independent Journal.

See highlights from our February 29, 2024 State of Democracy Fireside Chat.

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