(For accredited investors only)

MCF has partnered with ImpactAssets, a market leader in impact investing, to provide a variety of High Impact Fund options. All have been selected for the opportunity to provide positive social and environmental returns, as well as the potential of financial return back to your MCF fund, to preserve and grow your philanthropic capital.

High Impact Funds allow MCF donors to support an issue area they care about via a highly diversified fund offering. You can choose from a rotating selection of professionally-managed global funds. Those funds which are currently available are presented below.

Because of our partnership with ImpactAssets, MCF donors have access to these professionally managed funds at very low minimums. Investment minimums apply.

Please note that funds on the VIP platform have been selected and vetted by our partner ImpactAssets. MCF’s investment committee has not conducted additional due diligence on these funds.


ImpactAssets Climate Solutions

ImpactAssets Gender Equality Impact Fund invests in areas that have an outsized impact in reducing systemic gender inequities.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Gender Equality Impact Fund

Racial Equity Impact Fund

ImpactAssets Racial Equity Impact Fund channels dollars to where they can have outsized impact in communities of color.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Racial Equity Impact Fund

Climate Solutions Impact Fund

ImpactAssets Climate Solutions Impact Fund invests in areas where the biggest gaps in climate funding exist.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Climate Solutions Impact Fund


Environmental Impact Focus

BTG Pactual Open Ended Core U.S. Timberland Fund L.P.

Support on-the-ground conservation, biodiversity, and carbon benefits at scale, while stimulating local economies and producing sustainable forest products.

Minimum investment: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: BTG Pactual Open Ended Core U.S. Timberland Fund L.P.

Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company II

Invest in the transition toward a renewable energy future.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company II

Iroquois Valley Farmland Notes

U.S. organic farmland investments protecting farmers, food supply and planet.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Iroquois Valley Farmland Notes

Social Impact Focus

Advance Global Capital

Advance Global Capital's SME Growth Fund

Support gender equality and economic growth through SME financing.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Advance Global Capital's SME Growth Fund

CIM Emerging Markets Private Credit Strategy

CIM Emerging Markets

Scaling responsible innovation in lending for underserved communities in emerging markets.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Community Investment Management Emerging Markets Private Credit Strategy Fund

CIM US Private Credit Strategy

U.S. small business loans building healthy and sustainable local living economies.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: CIM Private Credit Strategy

Enterprise Community Loan Fund

Investments in affordable housing and community revitalization for low-income communities across the U.S.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Enterprise Community Loan Fund

Grameen America

Micro-business loans that help entrepreneurial women living in poverty build businesses and enable financial mobility.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Grameen America

HOPE Enterprise Corporation

Fighting inequity in the deep South through financial inclusion and small business lending.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: HOPE Enterprise Corporation

LISC Impact Notes

Forging vibrant, resilient, and inclusive communities of opportunity across America

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: LISC Impact Notes


responsAbility Micro & SME Debt Fund

Empowering the developing world through financial inclusion, climate finance, and sustainable food and agriculture.

Investment minimum: $10,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: responsAbilty

Rethink Education Fund IV

Rethink Education Fund IV

Unlocking human potential through education technology

Investment minimum: $50,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Rethink Education Fund IV


Rethink Impact III

Investing in women changing the game for people and planet.

Investment minimum: $25,000

Read more or download the fact sheet: Rethink Impact III

For information on the Venture Impact Program, please contact

Kryger Nelson 1000
Safia Kryger-Nelson

Director, Philanthropic Planning


LEGAL AND PROGRAM DISCLAIMER: This is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities, nor a private placement offering pursuant to any private placement memorandum that must be issued to qualified investors. It is an informational description of charitably oriented, social purpose investment options that have been approved by ImpactAssets only for use by its donors. The minimum commitment per account per option is $10,000. There is no guarantee of any recovery of capital. The Fund Manager has not approved the information contained in this Fund profile, including the assignment of risk ratings contained herein.

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