Dr. Monica Sharma’s model Radical Transformational Leadership for Social Impact (RTL Impact) provides a road map for anyone looking to solve social problems, and shift systems while tapping into your greatest potential. Known in Marin as LEO (Leadership for Equity and Opportunity), the Marin Community Foundation has fully funded the participation of more than 500 Community organizers, administrative professionals, executive directors, philanthropists, local government teams, media, policymakers, community advocates, volunteers, and social impact practitioners, all now using common language and tools to shift systems and practices toward enduring social change. To learn more visit https://www.impactlaunch.org/marinleo

To get a sense of the impact this training has had on Marin nonprofits, please see the attachments below. Or watch a 4 minute video here. And stay tuned for future cohort opportunities in 2024 on.

LEO Marin Survey Analysis

Evaluation of LEO participants, June 2021

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