On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years, rolling back women's basic human rights over their bodies.

Furthermore, as the Guttmacher Institute shares, more than half of all U.S. states plan to further restrict or outright ban abortion, some within just days. The Court's decision will create a healthcare crisis in our country with devastating mental, physical, and financial effects on families across the nation. Data demonstrates that lack of access to affordable healthcare, including reproductive health, disproportionally affects Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, LGBTQIA+, and under-resourced communities — making reproductive rights, including abortion, fundamental and essential to racial and gender equity.

MCF stands in solidarity with those on the frontlines of this long fight to ensure all people have access to their reproductive needs. This list highlights organizations working regionally, nationally, and internationally within the reproductive rights framework. "Reproductive rights" are the rights of individuals to decide whether to reproduce and to have access to full reproductive healthcare. These may include an individual's right to plan a family, terminate a pregnancy, use contraceptives, learn about sex education in public schools, and gain access to reproductive health services. Reproductive rights fall within the broader focus of reproductive justice, which includes numerous factors that may serve as barriers to access to reproductive health and works to dismantle oppressive systems.


All-Options, also known as All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, Faith Aloud, Backline

Direct Clinical Service and Access; Sex Education

Through direct service and social change strategies, All-Options seeks to ensure that all people are supported in making the reproductive decisions that are best for their lives. They promote unconditional, judgment-free support for people in all of their decisions, feelings, and experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. Services include: a national toll-free Talkline, pregnancy options workshops, resource center (in Indiana), and a clergy counseling program with trained religious counselors. They also provide funds for abortions and baby supplies in Indiana. all-options.org

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Litigation; Policy and Advocacy (State & Federal)

Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, the ACLU strives to ensure reproductive justice for all. The ACLU advocates for abortion access, affordable contraception, a person's ability to make personal, private decision about pregnancy and abortion, and fights pregnancy discrimination on the Federal and State level. aclu.org/issues/reproductive-freedom

Black Women's Health Imperative, also known as National Black Women's Health Project

Policy and Advocacy (Federal); Research and Data Analysis

Through investments in evidence-based strategies, bold programs, and advocacy outreach, Black Women's Health Imperative targets the most pressing health issues affecting Black women and girls in the U.S. Based in D.C., the organization represents a broad structure of national and local affiliated organizations, and provides programs in health policy, education, research, knowledge, communication and leadership development. A significant aspect of their healthy policy is on healthcare access and coverage, as well as improving maternal health outcomes for Black women. bwhi.org

The Brigid Alliance

Direct Clinical Service and Access

The Brigid Alliance is a nationwide practical support organization that arranges and funds transportation and other logistical support for individuals who must travel long distances for abortion care. The Brigid Alliance's clients travel an average of 1,200 miles from 45 states and six countries to providers in New York, New Mexico, Colorado, Washington, DC, and Maryland. To date, on average, Brigid supports 100 clients per month with travel and service cost of $1,000 per client. brigidalliance.org

If/When/How Lawyering for Reproductive Justice & Repro Legal Defense Fund

Litigation; Policy and Advocacy (State & Federal)

If/When/How transforms the law and policy landscape through advocacy, support, and organizing so all people have the power to determine if, when, and how to define, create, and sustain families with dignity and to actualize sexual and reproductive wellbeing on their own terms. In addition to pursuing policy changes in strategic areas (decriminalizing self-managed abortion, eliminating barriers of parental involvement laws and judicial bypass, overturning Harris v. McRae, enhancing birth options and experiences, and eliminating welfare family caps), they also host a nationwide network of pro bono legal professional who are dedicated to reproductive justice, offer a legal Fellowship for law school graduates as well as a Leadership Institute and professional training, and they facilitate a Repro Legal Defense Fund which covers bail and funds strong defenses for people who are investigated, arrested, or prosecuted for self-managed abortion. ifwhenhow.org

In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy; Sex Education

A national-state partnership focused on lifting up the voices of Black women leaders at the national and regional level. They partner with eight Black women's reproductive justice organizations to educate and mobilize Black women, femmes and girls on issues such as abortion access, contraceptive equity, and comprehensive sexuality education. They use advocacy, policy change, leadership development and movement building strategies to support activists. blackrj.org

Just the Pill

Direct Clinical Service and Access

Just the Pill is an organization that offers direct telehealth services to individuals across the US, allowing for birth control, STI treatment, and abortion-by-pill to be delivered to individuals via mail. Services are provided by licensed doctors via online consultation. Costs are offset by Medicaid or financial support and sponsorships. justthepill.com

Men4Choice Education

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy

Men4Choice Education is focused on educating male allies about the reality of the fight for reproductive rights, the harm unjust and oppressive laws are causing, and how they can engage effectively as allies. Their work sits at the intersection of changing culture and policy. They use political education, digital campaigns, educational forums, community and peer-to-peer organizing to move men from being passive supporters to informed and active allies in the movement. men4choice.org

National Abortion Federation (NAF)

Direct Clinical Service and Access

The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. NAF provides numerous resources to abortion providers and facilities in order to keep staff and their patients safe, including medical education, staff preparedness trainings, facility and residential security assessments, and law enforcement assistance. In addition to being the professional association of abortion providers, NAF also provides direct service to patients who need help accessing abortion care via a toll-free, multi-lingual Hotline for abortion referrals and financial assistance in the U.S. and Canada. prochoice.org

National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF)

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy (Local, State & Federal)

Using a reproductive justice framework, the Forum elevates Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls to impact policy and drive systemic change in the United States. NAPAWF works at the intersection of three focus areas: organizing and civic engagement, advocating for policy and structural change, and legal advocacy and judicial strategy, to ensure the values and priorities of AAPI women and girls are seen, heard, and reflected at the local, state, and federal levels. They aim to build a collective power of all AAPI women and girls to gain full agency over their lives, families, and communities. napawf.org

National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association

Direct Clinical Service and Access

Working within the health care system, the Association advances the importance of family planning and promotes and supports the work of family planning providers and administrators. As an advocate for providers, they ensure that health professionals are able to offer a full range of services to each patient, including access to and coverage for abortion services, contraceptive use, as well as a range of other services. nationalfamilyplanning.org

National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH)

Direct Clinical Service and Access; Grantmaking; Policy and Advocacy (Local and State)

Using a partnership model, NIRH builds power at the state and local level to change public policy, galvanize public support, and normalize women's decisions about abortion and contraception. Their strategic partnerships include a wide range of organizations that directly impact the reproductive health and lives of women across the country through direct grants and hands-on support to more than 180 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations in 43 states and 71 localities across the United States. nirhealth.org

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy (Federal)

By elevating Latina leaders, the Institute builds Latina power to guarantee the fundamental human right to reproductive health, dignity and justice. They mobilize families and communities, transform the cultural narrative and catalyze policy change to create a society in which Latinas have the economic means, social capital, and political power to make and exercise decisions about their own health, family, and future. latinainstitute.org

National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF)

Direct Clinical Service and Access

NNAF represents a network of 90 grassroots and autonomous organizations that seek to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access. Collectively, the network advocates for abortion access at local, regional, and national levels; provides a safety net of care and support to direct service providers across varying cultural and political geographies; and mobilizes support and funds for the movement. abortionfunds.org

National Women's Health Network

Research and Data Analysis

By developing and promoting a critical analysis of health issues to influence public policy and support consumer decision-making, the Network focuses aspires to a health care system that is guided by social justice and reflects the needs of diverse women. One of their core programs is securing sexual health and reproductive autonomy. They do this by supporting access to safe and effective reproductive health technologies, services and information without restrictions driven by ideology, and provide accurate information about how women can protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and infection. nwhn.org

Plan C

Policy and Advocacy (Federal), Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change, Research and Data Analysis

Plan C is an information campaign meant to be an educational resource for learning about how people in the US are accessing abortion pills and safely managing their own abortions. Plan C provides research-based information as well as a directory of service providers throughout the US. Plan C believes that abortion pills belong in the hands of people who need them, and that this kind of care is a basic human right. plancpills.org

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.

Direct Clinical Service and Access; Policy and Advocacy (State and Federal)

As the largest sexual health educator in the country, with their education programming reaching 1.1 million people annually in classrooms and communities across the country, Planned Parenthood Federation provides comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings that preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual. They advocate for public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services; provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality; and promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care; and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications. *There are also many Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country. plannedparenthood.org

Shout Your Abortion (fiscally sponsored by Neo Philanthropy)

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Shout Your Abortion is an organization making resources, campaigns, and media intended to normalize abortion and elevate safe paths to abortion access. They function as a collective to provide resources for activist groups across the country and to galvanize public consciousness. shoutyourabortion.com

SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

As the first Reproductive Justice (RJ) organization founded to build the movement, SisterSong includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Arab and Middle Eastern, Latinx, and queer women and trans people. They aim to strengthen and amplify those collective voices to eradicate reproductive oppression and secure human rights. As a thought leader in this space, they publishing the latest in RJ analysis, uplifting little-known RJ issues, and connecting RJ with other movements. SisterSong also sponsors the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, a Black women-led alliance that drives research, builds power, shifts culture, and advocates for Black maternal health, rights, and justice sistersong.net

URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Driven by young leaders, URGE builds infrastructure through campus chapters and Community Activist Networks, where they invite individuals to discover their own power and transform it into action on issues such as abortion access, parenting, health and wellness, sex and culture and civic engagement. Together, URGE members educate their communities and advocate for local, state, and national policies. They build power and sustain a young people's movement for reproductive justice by centering the leadership of young people of color who are women, queer, trans, nonbinary, and people of low-income. urge.org

We Testify

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Dedicated to the leadership and representation of people who have abortions, We Testify increases the spectrum of abortion storytellers in the public sphere, and shifts the way the media understands the context and complexity of accessing abortion care. Through campaigns to change the conversation about who has an abortion and why, We Testify seeks to address the abortion stigma in our communities. *We Testify is fiscally sponsored by NEO Philanthropy. wetestify.org

Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project (WRRAP)

Direct Clinical Service and Access

Founded in 1991, WRRAP assists women of all ages, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds who are financially unable to pay for safe, legal abortions or emergency contraceptives. They provide funds to pre-screened, pre-qualified health clinics across the nation on behalf of women in need of abortion services or emergency contraceptives. The organization operates on an all-volunteer model enabling them to direct 90% of donated funds to clinics. wrrap.org


Access Reproductive Justice

Direct Clinical Service and Access; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy

Founded in 1993 by clinic escorts, ARJ seeks to eliminate the barriers women face when making reproductive health decisions. They combine direct services, education, and policy advocacy to promote reproductive options and access to quality health care for people living in California. Through a health line, ARJ provides information and support on all aspects of reproductive health, while also actively building community to meet all the needs of folks seeking reproductive health services (including referrals, procedural and practical support on abortion care, birth control, health insurance, funding, transportation, lodging, childcare, emotional support, and more). accessrj.org

Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH)

Research and Data Analysis

A collaborative research program at the University of California, San Francisco's Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, ANSIRH conducts innovative, rigorous, multidisciplinary research on issues related to people's sexual and reproductive lives. In order to improve reproductive wellbeing, ANIRSH advances evidence-based policy, practice, and public discourse. Their areas of research include abortion, contraction, pregnancy, and gender. *MCF donors: donations can be directed to UCSF Foundation with support for the ANSIRH Fund noted in the grant purpose line. ansirh.org

Black Women for Wellness

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

The Reproductive Justice project at Black Women for Wellness organizes the community as well as Black women reproductive justice leaders, and mobilizes support for bills that affect the reproductive health choices of Black women and girls. They partner with local and national sister entities and represent the voice of Black women in their lobbying efforts. bwwla.org/reproductive-justice

California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (CCRF)

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

A statewide coalition of more than forty organization that are working to promote sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice. The coalition supports and facilitates member-driven initiatives including strategic communication, collaboration and collective policy advocacy to benefit California's diverse women, youth and communities. CCRF itself does not take policy positions or lobby specific bills, budget items or administrative procedures, instead they provide space, support and facilitation to member organizations so that they can share ideas and information, build relationships and mutual understanding, and develop coordinated advocacy strategy on shared priority issues. *CCRF is sponsored by the Network for Good. reproductivefreedomca.org

California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ)

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy

A statewide organization, CLRJ recognizes that Latinas/xs' access to culturally and linguistically appropriate health care, a living wage job, quality education, freedom from discrimination and violence, among many other issues affects Latinas'/xs' daily lives have a profound effect on their reproductive and sexual health. Thus, CLRJ builds Latinas/xs' power and cultivates leadership through policy advocacy, community engagement, and community-informed research to achieve reproductive justice. californialatinas.org

California Women's Law Center (CWLC)

Litigation; Policy and Advocacy

Aims to create a more just and equitable society by breaking down barriers and advancing the potential of women and girls through transformative litigation, policy advocacy and education. CWLC has partnered with four legal non-profits focusing on advancing women's and LGBTQ rights. The four organizations are Legal Voice (Washington state), Gender Justice (Upper Midwest), Southwest Women's Law Center (New Mexico), and the Women's Law Project (Pennsylvania). The Alliance was formed to strengthen their collective capacity to advance women's rights, reproductive justice, and LGBTQ equality, and produce clear wins on critical issues at the state level. cwlc.org

California's Black Women's Health Project

Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy

The California Black Women's Health Project is the only statewide, non-profit organization that is solely committed to improving the health of California's 1.2 million Black women and girls through advocacy, education, outreach and policy. They focus on empowering Black women to take personal responsibility for their own health and to advocate for changes in policies that negatively affect Black women's health status. cabwhp.org

Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at UC Berkeley School of Law (CCRJ)

Research and Data Analysis; Litigation; Policy and Advocacy

A multidisciplinary research center dedicated to issues of reproduction, CRRJ serves as a resource, liaison, and partner to reproductive rights and justice organizations throughout the country. Some of their work includes, authoring amicus briefs in cases related to Medicaid coverage of abortion and criminalization of self-managed abortion; authoring and editing the first law school textbook on reproductive rights and justice issues published in 2014. The center is fully funded by external supporters and provides a physical, intellectual, and virtual hub where advocates and scholars find community, cross-pollinate ideas, and collaborate on projects. They seek to realize reproductive rights and advance reproductive justice by influencing legal and social science discourse, furthering research and scholarship, and bolstering law and policy advocacy efforts. *MCF donors: donations can be directed to UCSF Foundation with support for Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice noted in the grant purpose line. law.berkeley.edu/research/center-on-reproductive-rights-and-justice

Forward Together — California, New Mexico, Oregon

CA, NM, OR; Policy and Advocacy (State)

Forward Together unites communities to win rights, recognition and resources for all families. As part of state-based action program, Forward Together advocates for health, safety, and self-determination in every aspect of families lives. They work on issues like securing health care access, including abortion; ensuring communities are safe from state-based and gender-based violence; and recognizing that all family formations deserve policies like paid sick leave and paid family leave. forwardtogether.org

Planned Parenthood Northern California (PPNorCal)

Direct Clinical Services and Access

Planned Parenthood Northern California provides reproductive and sexual health care and related services at 17 health centers from the Bay Area to the Oregon border. Guided by the belief that sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights, and that every person should have an opportunity choose their own path to a healthy and meaningful life, PPNorCal provides services to anyone who comes to them for care. Since September 2021, PPNorCal has cared for 70 out-of-state patients from restricted states, with expectations on increasing numbers in the months ahead. plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-northern-california

UCSF Women's Options Center

Direct Clinical Services and Access

The UCSF Women's Options Center provides abortion care and family planning services in a private, comfortable and sensitive environment. They care for women seeking an elective abortion, treatment for miscarriage or fetal death, and pregnancy termination due to health problems of the fetus or mother. Other services include maternal health and contraception. *MCF donors: donations can be directed to UCSF Foundation with support for the Women's Options Center noted in the grant purpose line. ucsfhealth.org/clinics/womens-options-center

Women's Health Specialists (WHS)

Direct Clinical Service and Access

As the only abortion provider in a 12-county region in Northern California, WHS offers a full range of reproductive health services to primarily low-income, uninsured women and men including abortion, well-women care, adoption, contraception and educational programs. Their Women in Need Fund provides financial help for medical services, transportation, motels, childcare or whatever the women needs to be able to come to the clinic. Without these funds, many would be denied their reproductive health access. *MCF donors: donations can be directed to Chico Feminist Women's Health Center, as they have not changed their dba legally yet. womenshealthspecialists.org


Center for Reproductive Rights

Litigation; Policy and Advocacy

A global human rights organizations of lawyers and advocates, the Center uses the law to advances reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world. The Center works with local partners to strengthen reproductive health laws, policy, advocacy, and education in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin American, the Caribbean, and the US. They pursue reproductive rights in several issues including access to life-saving obstetrics case, contraception, maternal health, safe abortion services, and prevention of forced sterilization and child marriage. reproductiverights.org

Guttmacher Institute

Research and Data Analysis

As a leading research organization, the Institute leverages high-quality research to support evidence-based advocacy and strategic communication aimed at advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. They have pioneered methodologies to study the impact of abortion restrictions in society, as well as the socio-economic-health impact of contraceptives and unintended pregnancies, the linkages between STI's and neo-natal maternal health, and global trends on adolescent sexual and reproductive health globally. They also track legislation and policies related to abortion laws at the federal and state levels. guttmacher.org

Marie Stopes USA

Direct Clinical Service and Access

Provides contraception and safe abortion to millions of women in urban and rural communities in 37 countries across all seven continents of the world, mostly to poor and vulnerable women and young people with little access to reproductive healthcare; also works with under-served communities and offers support to those caught up in fragile states and humanitarian crises. msiunitedstates.org

National Abortion Federation (NAF) (International)

Direct Clinical Service and Access; Policy and Advocacy

As the national professional association of abortion providers, NAF's mission is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. Their members include individuals, private and non-profit clinics, Planned Parenthood affiliates, women's health centers, physicians' offices, and hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. Their members also include public hospitals and both public and private clinics in Mexico City, and private clinics in Colombia. Their work includes continuing education and training for health care professionals, quality assurance, abortion access, clinic security and safe access, public policy and advocacy, and a hotline. prochoice.org


Direct Clinical Service and Access; Grantmaking; Sex Education

A global health organization that is driven by the conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, have the right to decide whether and when to have children, to exist free from fear and stigma, and to lead the lives they choose. Pathfinder works with local partners in more than 20 countries across Africa, the Middle East, and India to advance contraceptive services, comprehensive abortion care, and young people's sexual and reproductive rights in communities around the world. pathfinder.org

PLAN International

Direct Clinical Service and Access Grantmaking; Sex Education

A girls' right organization, PLAN international strives to develop girl-centered, girl-driven, and girl-led programming in all their work. As part of their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) programming, they ensure that girls, adolescents and women realize their rights to sexual and reproductive health, including access to information, education and services. The SRHR program areas include life skills programming, comprehensive sexuality education, family planning, adolescent and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health access, addressing child and early forced marriage, access to sexual reproductive health in emergencies, HIV prevention and increasing access to HIV care. planusa.org


The Afiya Center (TAC)

TX; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy (State)

TAC is unique in that it is the only Reproductive Justice organization in North Texas founded and directed by Black womxn. Based in Dallas, TAC offers an array of services including many opportunities for Black and womxn of color to convene, share, and learn from one another, thereby amplifying Black women's voices within the abortion movement and creating a safe environment specifically designed to combat the stigmatization and fear tactics currently targeting Black womxn who seek abortion care. theafiyacenter.org

Access to Reproductive Care - Southeast (ACR)

AL, FL, GA, MI, SC, TN; Direct Clinical Service and Access

ACR provides funding and logistical support to ensure Southerners receive safe and compassionate reproductive care including abortion services. Through education, peer networks, and leadership development, they build power in communities of color to abolish stigma and restore dignity and justice. arc-southeast.org

Bold Futures - New Mexico

NM; Direct Clinical Service and Access; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Research

For twenty years, Bold Futures has worked to build reproductive justice in New Mexico by and for women and people of color. Through policy, research, place-based organizing, and culture shift, Bold Futures positions New Mexican women and people of color in spaces of community and power with the hopes that it improves access to reproductive health, pregnancy related care, and criminal justice reform. boldfuturesnm.org

The Bridge Collective

TX; Direct Clinical Service and Access

Based in Austin, TX, The Bridge Collective is a volunteer-based organization that provides practical, responsive support for abortion services and reproductive resources for Central Texans. Though volunteer mobilizations, they seek to ensure that all Central Texans have equal access to abortion care. The provide transportation and accommodation for people seeking abortions, deliver reproductive health kits to people in the greater Austin area (Plan B, pregnancy tests, condoms), and provide doula services for 'all bodies, all choices'. thebridgecollective.org

CHOICES: Memphis Center for Reproductive Health

TN; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education

CHOICES' mission is to empower individuals in the Mid-South community to make informed choices about their reproductive health. Located in Midtown Memphis, CHOICES provides full-spectrum community-based comprehensive reproductive and sexual health services, including abortion, for more than 5,000 patients each year. In addition to procedural and medicated abortion services, CHOICES provides the community with birth control, midwifery services, and LGBTQ+ Health Services. memphischoices.org

Desert Star Institute for Family Planning

AZ; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Desert Star Institute for Family Planning is a Black woman founded and led organization operating in Phoenix, AZ. They provide educational services to abortion providers within a framework that focuses on whole-person health and provides them with a unique understanding of the barriers historically marginalized people may encounter in medical communities. The Institute also delivers educational content and programs that help people from historically marginalized communities access reproductive health care and exercise autonomy over their bodies and lives. desertstarfp.org

Feminist Women's Health Center

GA; Direct Clinical Service and Access

For over 41 years, Feminist Center, an Abortion Clinic in Atlanta, GA, has provided safe, nonjudgmental and compassionate abortion care services. They help and support women consider all their options including abortions, as well as affordable birth control options. The center also provides a wide range of safe gynecological wellness services including annual exams, STI testing and treatment, and health care support for transgender, gender non-confirming and intersex individuals. feministcenter.org

Florida Access Network

FL; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education

Florida Access Network, formerly the Central Florida Women's Emergency Fund, is committed to reproductive justice as the guiding framework for the organization. FAN is now an abortion fund led by queer women of color, the majority of whom have had abortions. FAN offers direct-to-clinic payments for abortion services, along with practical support including transportation, childcare, and lodging. flaccessnetwork.org

Frontera Fund

TX; Direct Clinical Service and Access

Based in McAllen, TX, the Frontera Fund seeks to make abortion accessible in the Rio Grande Valley by providing financial and practical support regardless of immigration status, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, race, class, age, or religious affiliation. Practical support includes assisting local residents who need to travel to clinics across Texas and beyond for reproductive care. They are also dedicated to building grassroots organizing power at intersecting issues across the region to shift the culture of shame and stigma. fronterafundrgv.org

Fund Texas Choice, formerly Fund Texas Women

TX; Direct Clinical Service and Access

Formed in 2013 in response to the passage of Texas House Bill 2 which closed 75% of Texan clinics, Fund Texas Choice serves pregnant people who are seeking abortion-related services and information. While they do not pay for abortion procedures, they do connect women with resources and provides funds to help Texans' with travel to abortion clinics and accommodation support. fundtexaschoice.org

Jane's Due Process

TX; Litigation; Policy and Advocacy (State); Sex education

Dedicated to helping young people in Texas gain full reproductive freedom and autonomy over their healthcare decisions, Jane's Due Process provide legal support and 1-on-1 case management for teens navigating parental consent laws as they seek to access abortion and birth control. They also provide a text line for young people needing information on family planning services without parent involvement. janesdueprocess.org

Kentucky Health Justice Network

KY; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education, Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Kentucky Health Justice Network builds the power of Kentuckians to achieve reproductive justice. KHJN believes that all people should be able to decide if, when, and how to parent. They provide direct services through the KHJN Support Fund that sustains a network of volunteers who help people seeking abortions with financial assistance, transportation, interpretation, and more. KHJN also provides educational services and community outreach on reproductive justice frameworks. kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org

Lilith Fund

TX; Direct Clinical Service and Access

The Lilith Fund is the oldest abortion fund in Texas, serving Central and Southern Texas with direct financial assistance for abortions. In addition to financial assistance, the Lilith fund also provides emotional support and builds community spaces for people who need abortions in Texas. lilithfund.org

SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW!

GA; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Based in Atlanta, GA and works on reproductive justice with state, regional and national reach and impact. Through arts, culture, and media, SPARK! builds resources for and shift narratives for Black, Queer, Trans folx and folx living outside their gender binary. Their expert focus areas include: Black Women, Women of Color and QTYPOC folks in the reproductive justice movement; reproductive justice and public health practice in the Southeast; leadership training and facilitation in reproductive justice and queering reproductive justice, narrative and culture change; and community mobilization. sparkrj.org

Southern Birth Justice Network (SBJN)

FL; Direct Clinical Service and Access

Based in Miami, Florida, the Southern Birth Justice Network provides midwifery care to all people, especially Black, Brown, youth, immigrant, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, low- income and other marginalized communities. In addition to organizing Black midwives to establish a representative voice at the national level, SBJN also offers education training and Doula certification training that focuses in the areas of conception reproductive and maternity care, family planning, abortion and miscarriage services, maternal health, fitness, nutrition, self-care, breast feeding, and birth justice. southernbirthjustice.org

Texas Equal Access (TEA) Fund

TX; Direct Clinical Service and Access

TEA Fund was founded in 1994 and provides gap funding for people living in north, east, and west Texas who want an abortion and cannot afford the entire cost. Close to half of the clients are already parenting at least one child and 70% of the people they fund are people of color. A person needing help will call in to their hotline services where they will discuss financial options and their ability to help. Support usually averages $300 to the clinic after an abortion is performed. teafund.org

Women with a Vision

LA; Direct Clinical Service and Access

A community-based nonprofit founded by a grassroots collective of African-American women, Women with a Vision has become New Orleans premier women's health organization over the last 25 years. Through advocacy, health education, supportive services, and community-based participatory research, Women with a Vision seeks to improve the lives of women, their families and communities by addressing the social conditions that hinder health and well-being. The core programs include health education, HIV/AIDS and STI prevention, gender-based violence prevention, sex worker advocacy, LGBTQ advocacy, and voter engagement. wwav-no.org

Yellowhammer Fund

AL; Direct Clinical Service and Access

Established in Alabama in 2017, the Yellowhammer Fund is an abortion fund and reproductive justice organization serving Alabama and the Deep South. Services include: abortion funding; travel and lodging support; emergency contraception access; referrals to local medical services providing abortion, contraception, STI diagnosis and treatment, hormone therapies, prenatal care and other needs without judgement and without discrimination due to race, gender, income, marriage status, sexual orientation, ability or age; and comprehensive, age appropriate sexual education materials. yellowhammerfund.org


Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (C.O.L.O.R)

CO; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy (State)

A community-rooted organization, COLOR educates, organizes and elevates voices of Latinx individuals and families. As part of their education initiatives, COLOR provides parent and family workshops which engage participants in a series of sessions that cover relevant reproductive justice topics. They also host small, culturally appropriate outreach models to help inform, organize and mobilize participants around reproductive justice issues. Lastly, they empower the Latinx community to speak out about policies that impact them the most, including access to affordable health services. colorlatina.org


IL; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education, Policy and Advocacy (Federal), Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change, Research and Data Analysis

HEART has a vision for the world where all Muslims are safe and exercise self-determination over their reproductive lives in communities they live, work, and pray in. Throughout the nation, HEART develops and shares culturally-responsive resources and programming to promote sexual health, uproot gendered violence, and advance reproductive justice to better understand the needs of Muslim communities. hearttogrow.org

Midwest Access Coalition

IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI; Direct Clinical Service and Access

The Midwest Access Coalition is a network of over 200 volunteers living in the Chicago area that provide safe lodging and transport, emotional support, and financial assistance to help cover the costs of travel, gas, food, medications, and childcare for those seeking abortion services. Founded in 2014, MAC has served more than 2,000 people from 29 states with support for reproductive care and abortion access. midwestaccesscoalition.org

Mountain Access Brigade

WV; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education, Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Mountain Access Brigade is a volunteer-run organization that provides secure and stigma-free support, education and advocacy for individuals seeking abortions and reproductive autonomy. MAB supports people seeking abortions in the Appalachia region through abortion funding, doula care, transportation, and help with logistics. mountainaccessbrigade.org

The Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center

SD; Direct Clinical Service and Access, Sex Education, Policy and Advocacy (Federal), Policy and Advocacy (State), Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change

Founded in 1988, NAWHERC is a leading organization in addressing Indigenous women's reproductive health and justice issues, while working to preserve Indigenous culture. NAWHERC provides direct services to Native women and families in South Dakota, and advocates for Native women at the local, national, and international levels. NAWHERC's parent organization, NACB, is currently raising funds to rebuild their resource center, which burned down in December 2021. nativeshop.org

Reproaction - Wisconsin

MO, NY, NC, VA, WI; Mobilizing Community and Narrative Change; Policy and Advocacy (State)

Specializing in strategic communications, opposition research, and community organizing, Reproaction leads bold action to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice. Based in D.C., Reproaction has full time staff in key states to facilitate direct action, develop campaigns, organize rapid response communication, educate and train activists, and conduct opposition research that promotes accountability. *Reproaction is fiscally sponsored by NEO Philanthropy. reproaction.org

Trust Women

OK, KS: Direct Clinical Services and Access

Trust Women opens clinics that provide abortion care in underserved communities so that all women can make their own decisions about their health care. Trust Women opened its first clinic in Wichita, KS in April 2013 to re-establish access to reproductive health care in the region. Before Trust Women opened, Wichita was the state's largest metropolitan area without an abortion provider. Oklahoma City had the same history, as well as Trust Women being the first new abortion provider to open in Oklahoma in more than 40 years. The Oklahoma City clinic opened in September 2016.The Wichita clinics are the only clinics in its community to offer medication and surgical abortion services. As of May 26th, 2022, abortion is illegal in Oklahoma. trustwomen.org


Abortion Bridge Collaborative Fund (ABC Fund)

Women Donors Network has established a rapid response fund to build emergency infrastructure required to ensure access to abortion care for as many people, in as many places across the country, as possible. The fund is not designed to fund larger or more well-resourced organizations in the reproductive health and rights space, but rather to respond to funding requests from organizations that want to respond to evolving challenges post-Dobbs. The fund is intended as a "bridge" solution to existing funding gaps, with an intended timeframe of three to five years, with the hope that after that period of time, a clearer sense of the legal landscape and a more definitive response from traditional foundations will allow for sustained funding to this healthcare infrastructure. Funding will be distributed monthly under the guidance of an advisory council of activists, leaders, and donors from the reproductive justice movement to ensure grantmaking is informed by local activists and impacted communities. womendonors.org

The Amalgamated Foundation

The Amalgamated Foundation launched the Critical Reproductive Access Fund (CRAF) to deploy and direct new resources to organizations responding to the abortion access crisis. The CRAF is a grassroots fundraising effort led to be strategically guided by field partners, and open to donors who are individuals, institutions, corporations, and other allies looking to financially support reproductive health providers and seekers, as well as reproductive justice advocates. This fund will support organizations providing direct funds to people seeking abortion services — including but not limited to — cost for procedures, travel costs, meals, dependent care and more. amalgamatedfoundation.org

Groundswell Fund

Their mission is to strengthen U.S. movements for reproductive and social justice by resourcing intersectional grassroots organizing and centering the leadership of women of color — particularly those who are Black, Indigenous, and Transgender. They have a goal to direct $80 Million in funding to grantees who carry out this work. Groundswell also shares a list of their grantees from across the nation. groundswellfund.org

This is a robust though not exhaustive list of organizations that address reproductive rights. Inclusion on this list does not indicate that MCF has a prior relationship with an organization.

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