The Advisor Series.

Understanding MCF doesn’t have to be complicated. That’s why we’ve created the Advisor Series—six short videos, each under 90 seconds, that introduce MCF, donor-advised funds, and more. They’re designed to give your clients a quick, clear understanding of who we are and how we help donors make a greater impact.

What is Marin Community Foundation? In less than ninety seconds, you'll have the answer. A world-class nonprofit powerhouse, leveraging philanthropic capital to tackle the biggest challenges facing our communities.

Video Library.

Donor Advised Funds thumbnail
Donor-Advised Funds

Tax efficient. Simple. Flexible. DAF’s are the ideal vehicle for modern philanthropy. And at MCF, they come bundled with four decades of grantmaking experience.

Imprint Funds

If you want a better way to leave your mark, learn about Imprint, MCF's legacy program. It's the easiest, most tailored way to ensure that your philanthropic wishes are honored forever.

Impact Investing

MCF's Venture Impact Program offers impact investing through philanthropy. Provide seed capital for non-profit and for-profit businesses that are doing social or environmental good - and enjoy the returns!

Foundation Services

If you're a foundation or grantmaking organization that's spending more time managing operations than philanthropy, MCF can help. Outsource your administrative tasks to our rock-solid infrastructure and get back to making impact.

The Modern Alternative to a Private Foundation

Our Family Office of Philanthropy provides the elevated level of service and expertise that high-capacity clients need for their giving. If you're looking for a uniquely custom solution, you're in the right place.

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