Safety Net Services

Safety Net Services grantmaking supports nonprofit organizations that provide services to meet the immediate needs of low-income, low-wage and disadvantaged Marin County residents who are challenged to meet their basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, etc.). They are foundational in stabilizing an individual or family in order to support them in moving towards self sufficiency.

Safety Net Services are those that are critical to establishing stability and safety for an individual or family. Examples include: food, emergency/short-term housing, emergency financial assistance, case management, benefits access assistance, information referral, transportation assistance, acute (short-term outpatient treatment for a injury, illness, or urgent medical condition) healthcare services and crisis support.

The Buck Family Fund will support organizations which: 

  • Have safety net services as a core component of their mission and offering 
  • Exhibit a high level of financial and operational competence 
  • Have documented expertise in serving the target population 
  • Have a track record in successfully delivering safety net services

**Please note: MCF is no longer accepting proposals for this program.**

Current Grantees


For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

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