The Objective

Improve healthcare services for low-income people through quality improvement and innovations that bridge medical and public health approaches.

The Issue

The passage of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in a fundamental transformation of the health care sector.  More Marin residents now have health care coverage increasing the number of people who are served by safety net health care providers.  As additional provisions of the Affordable Care Act continue to be implemented and safety net health care providers respond to an evolving health care landscape, the focus now shifts to ensure that low income residents have access to high-quality care.   

Our Approach

There are opportunities to increase the quality of care delivered by safety net health care providers. We will support processes and practices that improve the quality of healthcare delivery and innovative programs that bridge medical care and public health in order to ensure that low income Marin residents have access to high quality care. We will also explore opportunities for increasing access and coverage for the remaining uninsured including undocumented adults in the county.

**Please note: MCF is no longer accepting proposals for this program.**

Current Grantees

Reports & Resources


Reimagining Medi-Cal: Collaborating with Families and Communities to Advance Child Health Equity

The Children's Partnership / California Children's Trust / Center on Poverty and Inequality / Economic Security and Opportunity Initiative

View Resource


For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

Shirin Vakharia

Senior Program Director

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