The Objective

Support changes in policy, systems, and neighborhoods to foster healthy eating and active living for low-income people in Marin.

The Issue

Marin faces several issues in this area. First, low-income residents have very limited access to fresh, affordable and healthy food. Second, these residents also have lower levels of physical activity and less access to green space than middle-to-high-income residents. Inequitable access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities contributes to disparities in health behaviors and health outcomes.

Our Approach

We can begin to leverage the growing momentum of healthy eating and active living initiatives. In partnership with other funders, we will develop strategies to drive policy and systems change in healthy eating and active living. We will focus on building the capacity of County and community organizations to drive policy and systems change in Marin, as well as building the capacity of resident leaders and advocates to effectively lead healthy eating and active living efforts. This initiative will focus on improving the nutrition and physical activity environments of child care settings serving children ages 0-3 and settings impacting older adults.

**Please note: MCF is no longer accepting proposals for this program.**

Marin Community Foundation Healthy Eating Active Living Grantmaking Framework

MCF is addressing Marin County’s health disparities which are correlated to neighborhood, ethnicity, educational level, and income.

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Reports & Resources

Early Childhood Reports

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health | Obesity Prevention Source

AQC/HEAL FY 2018-19 Evaluation Report

Marin Community Foundation's Access to Quality Child Care (AQC) and Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Initiatives

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Early Care and Education Policies and Programs to Support Healthy Eating and Physical Activity: Best Practices and Changes Over Time

Courtesy of Healthy Eating Research - A National Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - December 2017

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Intervening in Early Childhood to Prevent Obesity

Intervening in Early Childhood to Prevent Obesity: Best Practices for Home and Childcare Settings

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Getting to Equity in Obesity Prevention: A New Framework

Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MS (Social Work), MPH, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University - January 18, 2017

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Older Adults, Healthy Eating Active Living Needs Assessment, March 2016

Courtesy of Marin Community Foundation and Harder + Company Community Research

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For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

Shirin Vakharia

Senior Program Director

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