The Objective

Support efforts that help income-qualified Marin residents easily access the information, incentives, and services necessary for comprehensive, integrated home improvements that support health, safety, and energy efficiency.

The Issue

In Marin, there are pockets of communities with significant needs regarding housing conditions, such as mold and pest infestations, and many in those same communities suffer higher rates of asthma and other health issues that are exacerbated by environmental factors. Low-income households also spend a higher percentage of their income on energy costs, and accessibility hazards are often a key issue in older adults’ ability to live independently in their homes.

Our Approach

We will support the creation of a coordinated delivery system of energy, health, and accessibility service providers so that income-qualified residents can easily access the resources needed to make repairs and upgrades that impact health and well-being, and that result in energy savings. By connecting income-qualified residents with services that already exist, and streamlining the process to access them, we can help increase the number of households that receive comprehensive home upgrades and assistance.

If you would like to learn more about available services and incentives, please visit MCE’s energy–efficiency rebates and offerings for homes at–savings.

**Please note: MCF is no longer accepting proposals for this program.**


For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

Patti D’Angelo Juachon

Senior Program Director

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