The Objective

Increase the economic stability of struggling older adults in Marin through financial education, benefits assistance, and workforce opportunities.

The Issue 

The growth rate of the older population in Marin is one of the fastest in the state. One in four adults in the county are 65 or older — higher than the state average. By 2030, one in three residents will be a senior. While many older adults in Marin have resources to live well, one-quarter of Marin’s older adults are considered “poor” and often cannot afford basic needs, such as housing, food and healthcare. On top of this, safety net services have been stretched thin across the county due to the high demand for services and reduced public funding, and older adults under-utilize critical public and private benefits, such as Cal Fresh, that could address their basic needs.

Our Approach 

We want to provide support for older adults before they fall into crisis. Therefore, we will seek to increase their economic security through improved benefits access, employment opportunities, and financial counsel. We will also support partnerships with the County to help better coordinate access to benefits.

**Please note: MCF is no longer accepting proposals for this program.**

Current Grantees

Reports & Resources


Economic Security and Health of Older Women of Color

National Women's Law Center - Justice in Aging

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"All. Together. Now." Services and Policy to Improve Older Adult Economic Security in Marin

February 1, 2019. Event co-hosted by Aging Action Initiative, Community Action Marin, the County of Marin, SparkPoint Marin, Marin Community...

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For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

Shirin Vakharia

Senior Program Director

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